RojJay EHS solutions Inc. has over a decade of experience in creating, implementing and managing environmental, health and safety systems. We can build your programs from the ground up or review and update/revise existing programs such that you can achieve your certifications or maintain compliance to legal or other requirements.
International Standards Organization (ISO) and Certificate of Recognition (COR)/Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) program framework and elements are customized to fit your business operation
First Critical Step
Conduct a gap assessment - This assessment is sometimes referred to as an internal audit. We evaluate your current program elements against an existing standard or audit tool to identify deficiencies that can then be addressed to improved upon or meet a specific element requirement in a standard.
Gap assessment complete; now what?
Create, review or revise your management system framework
Create, review or revise your policies and standards
Create, review or revise your job specific or task procedures
Create, review or revise your controlled documents and records
Pulling it all together
Facilitate training on management systems, their elements and pertinent programs
Implement the management system by training your work force on all aspects of the system, core elements and programs.